Welcome to our Hampshire Services

If you are in any immediate danger - please call 999

Our Advice Line is open for victims, perpetrators, family and friends, and professionals from 9.30am–5.30pm Monday–Thursday and 9.30am–5.00pm on Friday.

Our direct number for the Hampshire Advice Line is 03300 165112.

You can also reach us on 0330 0533 630 (select option 3), which is the wider Stop Domestic Abuse helpline number.

 Both numbers will get you to the right place. In an emergency, please dial 999

Access to Emergency Refuge Accommodation is available 24/7 by calling the above number. You will be directed to our out of hours service.


The Freedom Programme is about abusive and controlling behaviour in relationships.


Our Up2U: My Choice programme can support you to make positive changes so you can have healthier relationships.