Emergency alerts – Guide to disabling emergency alert on your phone

On Sunday 23rd April at 3pm, the Government will be testing an emergency alert system to notify everyone in the UK of potential danger to life nearby, for example, severe flooding.

If you’re living with an abusive partner, this could put your safety at risk. The emergency alert may let your partner know about a secret or secondary phone you may have in your possession to help keep you safe.

Please be aware that the alert will override the silent setting on a smartphone and it will SOUND and VIBRATE for 10 seconds.

How to stay safe:

To ensure your safety, you can disable the emergency alert feature. To do this, please refer to this simple guide by Refuge:

In case of emergency please call 999. If you live in Hampshire, Portsmouth or Southampton and are experiencing domestic abuse, you can call our Advice Line on 0330 0533 630 or email advice@stopdomesticabuse.uk for confidential advice and support. 

Maisha Choudhury